Friday, February 19, 2010

8 Signs You Need To "LET IT GO" Mommie...

As young women...well as women period we tend to hold on to a relationship til the handle completely falls off, and when it does we searching the Wal-Mart aisles to find the very best super glue to repair it. Personally, I'm tired of the smell of super glue so I have constructed a list of signs that should serve as RED FLAGS that lets you know EXACTLY need to LET IT GO, Mommie! Simply Put!

8. He Doesn't Come Around As Often As He Use Too, or As He Should...

Now this is the most common thing that most women seem to complain about when they begin to think they're relationship is on the rocks, yet they ignore it and make up excuses of why they havent seen Tyrone since Tuesday and its Friday and you had a dinner date on Thursday. Nine times out of ten Tyrone is gettin a lil Keshia for dinner. Move on...Case Closed!

7. Quick/Rushed Phone Conversations ALL THE TIME...

I don't know a women in the world whom likes to be rushed or brushed off in mid sentence over the phone. When men are doing something they have no business doing, they tend to get all nervous and then confusion kicks in, followed by the urge to remove themselves from the situation. ETC When they doing something wrong; cheating, lying, hiding something, etc. they don't want to talk much to the person they are doing these things too. Forget about it and forget him.

6. You Stop Hearing From Him Like You Use To...

So your phone is not ringing like it use too. You know I find it so funny how much effort is put into pursuing us, but once they got us they feels no need to do those things anymore. This is something I don't think I will ever understand. Anywho, So he's not calling as much as he use too, or not even calling at all. Don't waste you time trying to figure it out, go have fun on your own or even with someone else. You shouldn't put you life on hold waiting on someone to get their stuff together. Reference #8.

5. He Acting Kind Of Shady Around The Holiday's...

This is such a wanna be player's behavior. So Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc is just around the corner and all of a sudden oh boy gets ghost or pick a ridicolous fight with you for no apparent reason, only to result in not getting you a gift or seeing you on that special day. I have 3 words for you ladies: DROP THAT LOSER. Simply put...

4. Each Time You Guys Go Out He Wants To Go DUTCH...

Now, I'm a sista that doesn't mind picking up the check every now an then, but on the following terms:

  • We're celebrating one of his accomplishments.

  • I want to go out and he's low of funds.

  • He deserves it.

  • Because I want too.

Other than that, Ima need you to handle that bill. *And I typically handle the tips and even a drink!* For some reason guys these days have gotten way to comfortable with this idea of an independent woman being able to handle her own and has adopted to the idea that she should have no problem handling a date or two either. Granted us independent women can pay for our dinner, your dinner (the guy), and 3 more tables in the resturant, but is nothing like having a man take care of the bill. It just does something for me to have a guy treat me. It all boils down to letting a man be a man, and if your guy objects to this than his manhood should be at question. You don't need this in you life. EXIT Stage Left...

3. Your Sick, And He Doesn't Offer To Visit or Pick Up Something To Make It ALL Better...

DEAD GIVE AWAY to run for the hills child! Why would you want anyone who has no concern for you at one of your most vonariable moments. Anyone with a heart would check on someone who was sick even if they couldn't buy anything...a simple check up call goes along way. I remember one time I was sick as a dog, and I was dating this guy (nothing serious...thank god) and not one time did he offer to bring me anything, he would call but it was never to see how I was feeling it would be on some real self-centered crap, anyway, that was a true eye openner for me. And what was so crazy was a had another guy (who was JUST my friend) whom called me every other hour to see how I was feeling and even offered to buy me more meds if I needed them. Now that's what I call a TRUE Stand Up Guy...Anywho, ladies you want someone who will take care of you and have genuine concern about you and your health. If you don't have that...DUECES!

2. You Hearing To Much About Your Man On The Streets...

Ladies, we all know the STREETS be talking! Im not saying believe everything or anything you hear about your man from someone else, but I am saying DON'T BE NO FOOL. So, you've notice a sudden change in your man...he's been acting kind of shady, you know, aint calling you baby...(lol, sorry had to do it...shouts out to Destiny's Child...the "Original" group!) He's displaying actions of 8-3 of my list. This calls for some investigating, so what do you do you put your ears to the streets. And, NO NO NO ( pun intended...D.C.) this doesn't mean you go around asking Rick and dem stuff about where your man's been, silence is a oh so golden and when he's doing wrong God has a wonderful way of revealing things to you. I am a testimony to this. So keep your mouth close and your ears open, pray that about the things that you are being told, and just like a puzzle if you relax and take your time you will see the picture for what it is meant to be. And you can drop his tired behind! lol

1. Straight DISRESPECT, Nothing More Nothing Less:

This bugs the CRAP out of me, to witness a female being disrepected in any form or fashion. But sadly this happens daily in our society and not only just in relationships. My mom always told me never allow anyone to disrespect you, and most importantly don't EVER let a man disrespect because if you do, you will have H E DOULBLE HOCKEY STICKS ON YOU HANDS. Now I could go on all day about different ways we allow men to disrespect us, but if i did this blog entry would be as long as Beyonce's Lace Front Wigs on a European Tour...So ima just put it like this if you allow someone to disrespect you than chances are you have no respect for yourself, why allow someone to run over you when you can simply dismiss them from your life completely. On to the next one...(I hate that phrase, but in this case it works!)

Certainly, I've left some signs off my list; so please by all means feel free to add your own in my comment box...I would love to hear hear yours! ;-)

~Love, Peace, and Hairgrease (Motions Moisturizer)