Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Top 7 Best Movie Moments...EVER!!!

Films, Movies, Flicks...whatever you wanna call em, all make us laugh, cry, and even fall asleep. Being the GREAT person that I am, I figure this would make a fun, yet humorous read, so I decided to come up with (Please See Title) the Top 7 Best Movie Moments...EVER (in no particular order) . So without further adue...OH LETS DOOOOOOOO (I gotta do better!)

7. The Color Purple

"Until you do right by me, everything you think about is gonna crumble!"
Woooooooooo! Its something about the way she say that, that gives me CHILLS...AND besides the fact that she is holding a knife up to Mr.'s throat! (Which I ain't mad at...that Mr. was a Low Down Ole Musty DOG!) lol 3 Claps for Celie in this scene..clap, clap, clap!

6. Coming To America
"Give it up for my band, Sexual Chocolate..." *foot stomp* "Sexual Chocolate!"
*drop mic exit stage left*

Til this day I can not watch this scene without bursting out into an uncontrollable laugh! Eddie Murphy know he did his thang with this one. Off subject: WTH is a Miss Black Awareness Pageant? lol (look at the podium flyer says Black Week! lol)

5. Harlem Nights
"Are you saying I'm stealing?" (a few colorful words are missing...its was a bit to much for me to the movie! lol) "Me and you got to step out back."

The FAMOUS pinkytoe shoot out fight. This scene is one of many funny scenes in this movie. Quick tried to tell Vera to back off, but like a woman she kept on mouthing off. But, I must say Vera had that REACH on her, she wore Quick behind slap out. lol (oh, and lets not forget about the shot out with Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall, and the lil man that kept shooting that lil pistol after they finished shooting machine guns...rotflmao!)

4. Step Brothers

I couldn't even quote this one, just watch it and prepare to wet your pants! "This is how we do it! Shah nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!" lol

3. The Wedding Singer"That's cause I'm the best guitar player in the wooorld! Yeaah! Self taught, no lessons. Thank you very much, Pop! ..."

LOL! This was one of many funny moment of this movie. There's nothing more funnier than to watch a drunk person have a COMPLETE come apart in public...WHILE giving a toast to the couple. Not only did he tell all of his brother's (the groom) secrets of infidelity, but he aired all his family's dirty laundry out...PURE COMEDY! If you haven't seen this movie...where have you been in LIFE?

2. The Hangover

"Who's baby is this? I don't know, check the collar or something!"

I recently, finally rented this movie (per Red Box), and was extremely satisfied with my rental. This movie was very funny. One of my favorites part of the movie was when they found the baby and name the poor child Carlos. And I was just rolling when they stole the police car and had Carlos in the backseat with a seat belt on with no car seat...too funny!

1. Mike Epps Funny Bidness
Just watch it! I laughed so hard I got sick!
As usual, I know I left some out GREAT ones out....please feel free to comment and add your favs.
Love, Peace, AND Hairgrease...(Olive Oil)

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